Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Is it okay to exercise when sick?

The best guide for deciding whether or not to exercise when sick is the location of the symptoms. Specifically, are the symptoms located above or below the neck?

When the symptoms are above the neck—such as a stuffy or runny nose, headache, sore throat or sneezing—the illness is relatively mild and probably will not worsen with exercise. Sometimes, in fact, the symptoms may temporarily improve while exercising. For example, exercise may unclog a stuffy nose.
But when the symptoms are below the neck—such as a chest cold, hacking cough, muscle aches, fever, chills, nausea or vomiting—the illness is more severe and probably will worsen with exercise. In this case, rest is needed.
If the illness is mild and the choice is made to exercise, a level of intensity that’s below normal should be employed. Symptoms that worsen during exercise are a clear indication to stop.
A related topic that often gets overlooked is whether or not the illness can spread to others in the gym. Something like this shouldn’t be taken lightly as the health of others is now at stake.
When in doubt, hold off on exercising until healthy. And, of course, seek medical advice.

-American Fitness Magazine

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Does aerobic training improve mood?

For many years, it has been known that exercise has a positive effect on mood. Research has shown that the improvement in mood lasts for a few minutes to a few hours.

But a recent study has shown that the post-exercise effect on mood may be of much longer duration. In the study, researchers at the University of Vermont randomly assigned 48 healthy, college-aged subjects to two groups: One group did 20 minutes of aerobic training on a stationary bike while the other group acted as a control and didn’t do any exercise.
Prior to the experiment, all subjects were given an assessment of mood that looked at six areas: tension, anger, depression, vigor, fatigue and confusion. The assessment was repeated immediately after the treatment or control condition and then again at 1, 2, 4, 8, 12 and 24 hours post-exercise.
It was found that aerobic training of moderate intensity—the average exercising heart rate was about 112 beats per minute—improved mood state for up to 12 hours post-exercise. Another great reason to exercise!
-American Fitness Magazine

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

A Personalized Approach to Healthy Eating with MY PYRAMID

For more than a decade, the Food Guide Pyramid has taken a one size-fits-most approach to outlining healthy eating. But with MyPyramid, the new food guidance system based on the Dietary Guidelines for Americans by the United States Department of Agriculture and Health and Human Services, a new way to individualize eating is introduced. Some new additions include emphasizing weight control and the importance of physical activity, increasing fruit and vegetable recommendations and whole grain intake, keeping total fat intake to 20 percent to 35 percent of calories and minimizing trans fat intake.
Unlike the old food guide, MyPyramid personalizes dietary and physical activity recommendations by including a variety of pyramids designed to fit an individual’s unique needs. MyPyramid has six major points:
1.      Be Active. The recently updated Dietary Guidelines recommend physical activity on most—preferably all—days of the week. In order to maintain weight, one must exercise at least 30 to 60 minutes a day. For weight loss, 60 to 90 minutes of daily exercise is recommended.
2.      Moderation. This concept focuses on the importance of limiting the consumption of foods high in saturated fats, trans fats, sodium and sugar. This translates to a decreased intake of full-fat meats, processed foods and sweets.
3.      A Personalized Approach. Personalization is a major feature of MyPyramid. To meet an individual’s unique dietary and physical activity needs, 12 different pyramids are created. Caloric and food group recommendations are based on gender, current activity level and age.
4.      Portion Control. One of the frequent complaints about the old food guide was that many Americans were confused about what a portion size was. By basing food recommendations on standard household measurements and ounces, it is hoped that people will maintain better portion control.
5.      Variety. Including all of the food groups daily and choosing a variety of foods within those groups will help achieve the nutrient recommendations. Numerous colors, flavors and textures should be included in order to get a diverse supply of nutrients.
6.      Make Gradual Improvements. Fitness professionals need to help individuals formulate an exercise and diet plan that will sustain behavioral change. Helping clients set measurable and realistic goals can do this. For example, if someone only exercises once a week, have him or her increase his or her frequency to two times a week, gradually working up to five to six days a week within four to six months. Goals should be behavior-based, as opposed to weight loss only.

- Aerobics & Fitness Association of America

Thursday, October 13, 2011


THIN IS OUT. FIT IS IN. THAT'S THE FINDING OF a survey by the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA). The study conducted in conjunction with the Sundance Aerobics & Fitness Challenge, polled a national sample of 638 fitness-conscious Americans who entered the nation's largest aerobics competition. Aerobics instructors and their class members were participants in the poll.
Sixty-eight percent of the sample answered "no" to the question: are you currently on a diet? However, nearly half admitted they try to limit themselves to 1,100 to 2,000 calories a day. The fitness-oriented sample group believes maintaining a desirable weight requires a combination of proper eating and exercise.
"There is definitely a strong movement toward moderation and balance," says Steve Tharrett, director of athletics and wellness for Club Corporation of America, an organization that manages private clubs. "Exercising in moderation, while curbing calorie intake, helps people overcome boredom--a frequent cause of overeating--and creates a feeling of overall wellness," says Tharrett.
The survey results support U.S. Health and Human Services Department report recommending a lifestyle that combines exercise and eating right as a prescription for a healthier nation. "Nutritional value of foods is becoming more important than calorie count," says health and fitness expert David Essel. "The general public is becoming more knowledgeable about reading labels. They're avoiding foods with fat, cholesterol, sugar, sodium and preservatives."
Most of the respondents to the Sundance Fitness Survey expressed a feeling of energy and vivacity after they have exercised. About 95% said they feel better after a workout. For this population, exercise is regarded as a tool for building a new, better, healthier self--both physically and mentally.
-Aerobics and Fitness Association of America

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Benefits of Step Aerobics


Aerobic exercise is an important part of a well-rounded exercise routine. Many different forms of exercise can give you an effective cardiovascular workout, and step aerobics is one of them. Step aerobics was introduced in the 1980s as part of the aerobics craze, and is still utilized in gyms and health clubs for a complete body workout. Step aerobics can be an intense workout, so consult your doctor for a check-up before you start.


A step aerobics session typically consists of sets of choreographed movements performed on a raised platform. The movements are usually accompanied by music and are designed to work the lower body, upper body and cardiovascular system. The step can be any type of raised bench, but in gyms and health clubs, plastic aerobic steps with nonslip surfaces on the top are used. You can do step aerobics at home by creating your own routine or following a video, or as part of a class at your health club.

Fitness Benefits
Exercising with an aerobic step provides several fitness benefits that can help you in other sports and in daily life. Regular sessions will provide both cardiovascular and muscular endurance. Incorporating both upper and lower body movements together will improve your coordination and agility, and the constant push up onto the step will increase leg strength.

Health Benefits

Along with making you a better athlete, aerobic stepping will also benefit your overall health. The intense cardiovascular workout will make your heart and lungs work more efficiently. The calorie burning aspect of the exercise will help you maintain a healthy weight, and avoid weight-related problems such as diabetes, heart disease and joint pain.


As you progress with step aerobics, it is possible to make the exercise more challenging with a few modifications. Most aerobic steps come with extra sections to make the step higher. Increasing the height will make your workout more difficult. You can also incorporate more arm movement into the routine, raising your arms up over your head, or even using light weights for added resistance. Lastly, you can always increase the tempo of the music and your moves for greater fat burning.


While performing step aerobics is safe compared to many other types of exercise, certain precautions should still be followed. Remember to do a proper 10 to 15 minute warmup and cool down with each exercise session to avoid injury. Also, when working out, place your whole foot on the step each time, in a heel to toe motion to help avoid injury to your Achilles tendon just above your heel.

Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/287739-the-benefits-of-step-aerobics/#ixzz1Wc72MdlL

Tuesday, July 5, 2011


 The only way you can hurt the body is not use it.  Inactivity is the killer and, remember, it's never too late.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Session 3...winding down

Only 3 more classes for Session 3 --- MAKE UP CLASSES - Tuesday, June 28th.

Session 4 Starts - July 5th!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


There are really only two requirements when it comes to exercise.  One is that you do it.  The other is that you continue to do it.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How to Drink Water Effectively during Exercise

How to Drink Water before Exercise

Waiting until you're ready to work out to drink water is a big mistake. None of the water that you drink when you start working out makes it into your system quick enough to help your body. Instead, you need to drink water two to three hours before you work out in order to hydrate your body properly. This gives your body plenty of time to get hydrated and prepare for a workout. So when you start sweating at the beginning of a workout, all of that water is actually from the reserve you've built up ahead of time.

How to Drink Water during Exercise

Once you've hydrated yourself before exercise, you need to make sure that you stay hydrated while you exercise. As you sweat, the water that you drank before your workout will be lost. Therefore, you need to make sure that you drink about 8 ounces of water for every 10 minutes that you work out. That doesn't mean that you need to stop every 10 minutes to drink. But it does mean that you should be hydrating yourself during every short break that you get (you can even sip water during a run if you have to) in order to get enough water back into your system. Avoid taking huge gulps of water, though, and avoid taking in too much water during a single break. For instance, you may feel full and hurt your workout if you chug 30 ounces of water during a break. Instead, gradually take in cold water throughout your exercise routine, because cold water is absorbed more quickly into your system than warm water or room temperature water. This is the most effective way to drink water during exercise.

How to Drink Water after Exercise

Once you finish working out, your body still needs water to replenish the levels that you lost during your exercise. In order to help your body regroup, you need to drink plenty afterward as well. In addition to water, you should try to drink a beverage that contains electrolytes, as you lose many of these during exercise. Regardless, you need to get fluids into your system to make sure that you help the muscle healing process and stay hydrated later on. And again, make sure you're drinking cold water in order to help it get into your system quickly.
Drinking plenty of water is the best thing that you can do for your body if you plan on exercising regularly. By staying hydrated, you'll be protecting your internal organs and preventing your muscles from getting damaged by dehydration. So if you plan on exercising effectively in the future, make sure that you drink water before, during and after your exercise.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

New Classes start TONIGHT!

Well, it’s another rainy Tuesday in Pittsburgh, what better reason to be inside and get a great work out in! 

Sign up tonight for Step it Up Plus Abs at 7:00 PM
& Pilates with Props at 8:00 PM!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April 19th Classes

Its a rainy Tuesday, but we will get motivated tonight with a fun, choreographed STEP class and then wind down a bit with a PILATES with PROPS class, focusing on core stability training.

See ya tonight! 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Today's Healthy Recipe - Easy Grilled Chicken

After a long day, and just getting home from your work out, this is a fast and healthy meal to fill you up.



  • 4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves
  • 1 cup fat free Italian-style dressing
  • 1 green bell pepper
  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 1 zucchini


  1. Place washed chicken breasts in large sealable bag. Add 1 cup fat-free Italian dressing and close. Let marinate for 5 to 10 minutes.
  2. Cut up peppers into big chunks, and zucchini into big slices. Put into another sealable bag. Coat with leftover dressing.
  3. Grill chicken and veggies over medium heat.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tonight's class

Tonights class included an hour of interval training followed by an hour of Pilates with props. It was tough as usual but a great workout none the less.  I hope all you girls enjoyed it.

In my next post I will be sharing one of my favorite healthy recipes.

See you next week and remember to drink water.


Hello world.  This is a blog dedicated to group fitness and health.  I currently instruct group fitness classes at the Peters Township Community Recreation Center.

I will post reviews of classes and give previews of upcoming classes for all those involved.  I will also post tips for daily healthy living and how to achieve your own personal fitness goals.

Also follow me on twitter @marjorekconrad

Looking forward to seeing you all in class.